🌶️ Chilli

Arch packages I install on a clean Arch install

Here's a list of no-nonsense packages that I immediately install after installing a fresh arch linux, and just as importantly why I install them.

These are what I install because I might find the linux default apps - here's looking at you man pages - are just too much hassle to use. Life is hard enough, so why make it harder for yourself?


Homepage | Arch page

It brings colours to your ls commands! It's also a more modern-day equivilant to ls, and it's written in Rust.

.bashrc update:
alias ls='eza --long'


Homepage | Arch page

When looking for a file on your PC, then this is a pretty quick way of doing it. It's faster than using the default find command, and it stores everything in a simple database. Remember to run updatedb before you start your first-ever search. You should also start the plocate-updatedb.service and have it run in the background.

.bashrc update:
alias find='plocate'


Homepage | Arch page

This is better than nano, and much more intuitive than vi in the terminal world, it uses many of the standard commands, so to save a document it's ctrl+s for example, and ctrl+q will quit the application. It's also highly customizable too!

.bashrc update:
alias vi='micro' alias nano='micro'


homepage | Arch page

Simple replacement to cat. Perhaps my least used command, but it comes with syntax hi-lighting, and git integration.

.bashrc update:
alias cat='bat'


homepage | Arch page

Neofetch is no longer supported for oh, about 3 years now, so this is the replacement. It does the same (and more) as neofetch but, you know, fastfetch is actually supported and maintained!

Plus fastfetch is written in C++, whilst neofetch is written in bash.

.bashrc update:
alias neofetch='fastfetch'


homepage | Arch page

A true man page replacement - why put yourself through some poorly written documentation (yes, that's what man pages generally are in my opinion!). Save yourself some grey-hairs, and simply install tldr, and you'll get the information that you need quickly, and easily.

.bashrc update:
alias man='tldr'


homepage | Arch page

rm for the rest of us. Too many times rm can be dangerous to your system if you're not 100% sure of what you're deleting. trash-cli will give you a way out if you mistakenly delete the wrong file(s), as it simply moves the file to the trash, and you need a 2nd command to actually delete what's in the trash.

.bashrc update:
alias rm='trash-put' alias rm -f ='trash-delete'


homepage | Arch page

A CLI wayland clipboard that you can use across applications, plus gives you access to a history of your copy & pastes.

There's no .bashrc alias here, as you'll need to configure it in say hyprland or the Desktop Environment that you use.


Homepage | Arch homepage

The only package you'll need to install from the AUR, so you'll need to clone the git repo to your PC, and follow the install instructions. Personally I think that this should be available in the standard ie non-AUR repos, as this is a suitable replacement to pacman, and it updates your AUR packages, all using the same command paru -Syu.

.bashrc changes:
alias pacman='paru'

I hope that this list is useful, and it helps you out on your linux journey!

You can install the above (except paru) by copying and pasting this: sudo pacman -Syu eza plocate micro bat chezmoi fastfetch tldr trash-cli wl-clipboard

#arch #clean-install #linux #packages